Being a teenager in today’s world is incredibly complex and challenging. But with a little help along the way, this phase can be a rich period of growth and self-discovery.

Over my four years as a school counsellor and seven years working with teens and their families, I’ve helped with a range of issues. From bullying, identity exploration, and peer pressure to experimenting with alcohol and drugs, navigating first relationships, and discovering sexuality, the teenage years are fraught with difficulties. Teens also face significant life transitions like moving out for college, making new friends, and choosing career paths. Issues such as childhood abuse, neglect, and parental pressure add to the complexity. 

I know how difficult it can be for parents too. You want the best for your children, and it's hard to see them struggle. With therapy, teenagers and parents can find relief. My goal is to work with teenagers and their families to provide them with a safe space and help them create the future they desire.

To a teen reading this, I want you to know that my sessions are a safe and non-judgmental space. You can bring up anything you want, big or small. There is no such thing as a bad or weird topic. The confidentiality of our sessions is of utmost importance to me. This means that whatever we discuss in therapy, remains between us- unless there is reason for me to believe that you may be a danger to yourself or others. You can ask me more about this in our first session.